"Aubrey Plaza Dives Deep into Obsession in 'Ingrid Goes West' with Elizabeth Olsen"

News - 29 June 2023

The plot of the 2017 film "Ingrid Goes West" revolves around a woman who is obsessed with meeting and befriending her favorite Instagram influencer in real life. Aubrey Plaza, who plays the lead role in the film, dove deep into her character's psyche, becoming deeply committed to portraying a fan who is fixated on Elizabeth Olsen's character.In a recent interview with Vanity Fair, Aubrey Plaza discussed her fascination with Elizabeth Olsen, stating that the actress exudes a magnetism that makes her idol-worthy.

Plaza believes that Olsen's casting in the role was integral to the success of the film, as her presence added a level of authenticity to the character's obsession.The film explores the idea of how people can become consumed with the curated lives they see on social media. Plaza, known for her quirky and offbeat roles, embraced the challenge of portraying a character who becomes increasingly fixated on Olsen's character.

Plaza's commitment to her role extended to real-life interactions with the actress, as she admits to engaging in behaviors that some might find unsettling.In an interview with Buzzfeed, Plaza revealed that she took inspiration from method acting techniques in order to fully embody her character. She admits to engaging in behaviors such as keeping a photo of Olsen on her home screen and taking pictures of the actress without her knowledge.

While Plaza's actions may seem extreme to some, she insists that she never crossed any boundaries or intruded on Olsen's personal life.Despite the intensity of her portrayal, Plaza maintains that there is a level of nuance to her character's obsession. She describes her approach as empathetic, stating that she sought to understand the motivations behind her character's fixation on Olsen.

Plaza's dedication to her role and her ability to tap into the complexities of her character's psyche helped to create a dynamic and compelling on-screen dynamic between her and Olsen.The chemistry between Plaza and Olsen is palpable in the film, as the two actresses effortlessly bounce off each other's energy. Plaza credits their strong connection to their shared understanding of their characters and their willingness to push the boundaries of their performances.

The result is a riveting and authentic portrayal of the complexities of contemporary obsession.In a behind-the-scenes video released by Vanity Fair, Plaza delves deeper into her transformation into her character. She discusses the challenges of portraying someone who is so fixated on another person and the emotional toll it took on her.

Plaza's candid reflections offer a glimpse into the thought process behind her performance and the lengths she went to in order to fully embody her character.Overall, "Ingrid Goes West" is a thought-provoking exploration of the dangers of obsession and the blurred lines between real life and social media personas. Plaza's immersive and captivating performance as a woman consumed by her idol's image adds a layer of depth and authenticity to the film.

Through her commitment to her role, Plaza shines a light on the darker side of social media influence and the impact it can have on individuals' mental health.