Guillermo Del Toro Reveals Details of Unmade Jabba The Hutt Star Wars Film - Reflecting on Disappointment and Embracing Learning Opportunities

News - 8 October 2023

A few weeks back, the renowned Mexican director Guillermo Del Toro, known for his works such as The Shape of Water and Hellboy, made an exciting revelation that he was set to direct a Star Wars film. However, the project was eventually scrapped, forcing Del Toro to shift his focus back to other film projects. Recently, the director shared more details about the Star Wars film he had hoped to create during a Q&A session with Collider.

Del Toro mentioned that the film he wanted to direct was centered around the character Jabba The Hutt. A script for the film had already been penned by David S. Goyer, and the production team was actively engaged in designing the world and characters for the movie.

Unfortunately, Lucasfilm made the decision to not move forward with the film and instead decided to prioritize creating content for the Disney+ streaming platform.Reflecting on the experience, Del Toro expressed his disappointment in not being able to bring his vision to life. He acknowledged that while it was not his financial investment or intellectual property, he and his team had put a lot of effort and creativity into the project.

Despite the setback, Del Toro emphasized the importance of finding value in every experience, stating, "You can never be ungrateful in life, no matter what happens there is always a lesson to learn."In the Q&A session, Del Toro revealed that the planned film would have explored the rise and fall of Jabba the Hutt, delving into the iconic character's backstory and motivations. He expressed his satisfaction with the story they had crafted and the work they had put into the project.

However, in the end, the film became just one of many scripts that would never see the light of day.While the Star Wars spin-off films have had varying degrees of success, with Rogue One being a major hit and Solo facing challenges at the box office, Lucasfilm made the strategic decision to shift their focus to producing content for Disney+. Despite not being able to bring his Star Wars vision to fruition, Del Toro continued to pursue his filmmaking career, going on to create successful and critically acclaimed works such as The Shape of Water and the upcoming Pinocchio adaptation.

As Del Toro and his team encountered the disappointment of their Star Wars project being canceled, he emphasized the importance of embracing the learning opportunities that come from such setbacks. He praised his team for their dedication and creativity, highlighting the value of striving to create something beautiful even in the face of disappointment.In Conclusion, Guillermo Del Toro's journey with the unmade Star Wars film serves as a reminder of the unpredictable nature of the film industry and the importance of resilience and learning from challenges.

Despite the disappointment of the project being scrapped, Del Toro's positive outlook and commitment to creating meaningful work continue to inspire audiences and fellow filmmakers alike.