Harrison Ford's Role in the Marvel Cinematic Universe Revealed Despite Surprising Co-Star

News - 12 November 2023

The news of Harrison Ford joining the Marvel Cinematic Universe is no longer a secret. It has been known for over a year that the iconic actor will be taking on a role in Thunderbolts. However, it seems that not everyone was aware of this casting choice, including Ford's co-star David Harbour.

Harbour, who plays the character of Red Guardian in Black Widow and reprises his role in Thunderbolts, seemed surprised when asked about Ford during an event discussing the making of the film. When questioned about Ford taking on the role of Thaddeus "Thunderbolt" Ross, Harbour hesitated to reveal any details. He stated, “I don't think it's been announced,” showing his commitment to Marvel's culture of secrecy.

Despite his initial confusion, Harbour did express interest in talking about his other co-stars, such as Florence Pugh and Sebastian Stan.Marvel Studios is notorious for keeping their projects under wraps, so Harbour's reluctance to share information about Ford's involvement in Thunderbolts is not unexpected. The studio has had issues in the past with actors accidentally revealing plot details, leading to repercussions for the individuals involved.

Given this history, Harbour's caution is understandable. However, in this case, the news of Ford's casting is already public knowledge. It has been revealed that Ford will be stepping into the role previously held by actor William Hurt, who tragically passed away in 2022.

In a recent update regarding the Marvel release schedule, it was announced that Thunderbolts and other films initially planned for 2024 will be pushed back to 2025. Originally slated for a December 2024 release, Thunderbolts will now hit theaters on July 25, 2025. This delay may come as a disappointment to fans eagerly anticipating the film, but it is not uncommon for Marvel to adjust their release dates to ensure the best possible outcome for their projects.

Overall, the addition of Harrison Ford to the Marvel Cinematic Universe has generated significant buzz among fans and industry insiders alike. While Harbour's reaction to the news may have been unexpected, it is clear that Thunderbolts is shaping up to be an exciting addition to the MCU lineup. As details continue to emerge about the film and its star-studded cast, anticipation is sure to build for what promises to be another blockbuster Marvel adventure.