Unseen Harrison Ford Cameo in E.T.: A Look at the Iconic Film's Production History

News - 20 September 2023

E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial is a movie that has stood the test of time as one of the most iconic films of the 80s.

Directed by Steven Spielberg, this sci-fi classic did not rely on big-name actors to carry the story. Despite this, it is interesting to note that one of the biggest stars of the time had a small, unseen role in the film. The primary human characters, Elliot and Gertie, were portrayed by the young actors Henry Thomas and Drew Barrymore, who were just eleven and seven years old, respectively, at the time.

Surprisingly, it was Harrison Ford who had a brief cameo in the film that never made it to the final cut. At the time, Melissa Mathison, the writer of E.T.

, was in a relationship with Ford and asked him to play a small role in the movie. Ford, who had recently collaborated with Spielberg on the hit film Raiders of the Lost Ark, agreed to the cameo. In the deleted scene, Ford played the role of the school principal who gives a stern lecture about the dangers of underage drinking after Elliot is sent to his office for showing signs of intoxication.

The scene also featured a gravity-defying moment where Elliot's chair floated towards the ceiling due to E.T.'s powers.

Ultimately, Spielberg decided to remove this scene from the final cut of the film as he felt it did not align with the overall tone and flow of the story. Despite not making it into the movie, Ford's presence in the scene is still noticeable to keen-eyed viewers who recognize his distinct voice and demeanor. At the time, Ford was a major Hollywood star, known for his roles in the Star Wars and Indiana Jones franchises.

The decision to omit Ford's scene from E.T. highlights the director's keen eye for storytelling and pacing.

While having a big name like Ford in a small role could have added a level of star power to the film, Spielberg chose to prioritize the narrative cohesion and emotional impact of the story. E.T.

was ultimately a film about friendship, empathy, and the bonds that connect us, and any scenes that did not serve those themes were deemed unnecessary.It is interesting to consider what impact Ford's cameo could have had on the overall reception of E.T.

had it been included in the final cut. Would his star power have overshadowed the film's young leads, Henry Thomas and Drew Barrymore? Or would his presence have added an additional layer of nostalgia and intrigue for audiences?In the end, E.T.

the Extra-Terrestrial remains a classic film that continues to captivate audiences of all ages. Its timeless themes of friendship, love, and acceptance have solidified its place in cinematic history. And while Harrison Ford's unseen cameo may remain a curious footnote in the film's production history, it serves as a reminder of the collaborative nature of filmmaking and the importance of making thoughtful choices in service of the story.